Monday, February 28, 2011

Homemade Cryptic Bullshit With a side order of Mango flavored Dreams

God, it's good to have internet again. I just I hope I don't jinx it :P I guess this calls for story time, then. Ok, Friday, there was this huge snow/freezing rain storm, and I think at about.. 11:35 the internet froze, then cut out completely. So all weekend long, no internet. There were many other wireless signals I could've jumped on, but they were encrypted/password protected. And seeing as my "hacking skills" are at a very bare minimum.. well, let's just say my weekend was boring. Then today, whilst being bored and all that jazz, a "Free Public WiFi" popped up at 11:35. The fuck. The same time as on Friday. So I try and scope this thing out, and it ended up being ad hoc. Great. Not very helpful for me. So yeah. then, at around.. 16:55 the access point I use came back.  I was jumping with joy. Most literally. But you want to know what the weird thing is? All last night (trying to get to sleep, naturally) and this morning, my gut kept telling me something was going to happen around 11:30, and at 16:00 something important was going to happen. And that by the end of the day I would have my internetz back. Oh god, I love you so much gut. I can't even recall a time you were wrong :'D

But with good news comes strange news. My dreams for last night. Three of them. And guess what? More waking up at ridiculous hours. Can't get to sleep till 24:00, then waking up at 5 or 6. WTH. HHRRMMM.


I’m with my mom, in her house, I think. This one’s a little blurry, but the power went out, so it was near pitch black. Even our cellphones wouldn’t light up, but they weren’t broken. I went to get my flashlight (which is rather bright) from my room (IDK how that’s possible, seeing as I don’t live with my mom) and I swear I saw something in there. I grabbed my flashlight, and got out of there. Don’t remember what happened after.


Was in Russia with grandparents and Flea. We were going around in a car/van thing, and grandparents wanted to go to a concert/mall place. We get on the parking lot and park near where some teens are hanging out. I know one from internetz, and I go out to greet her. We hug and talk (apparently, I knew some Russian) and all that jazz, and then I had to go back to grandparents. So I get back and get in the front seat of the car (where my grandma was sitting, I was originally in the back passenger) and grandma is not there. Then my grandpa says something and starts laughing, and it turns out grandma is in my seat, but I’m too scared to look in the rearview mirror. We drive out (for some reason) and get stuck at a closed gate, and all of the sudden it’s dark outside, Flea’s dead, and my grandma has fucking claws. She’s trying to disembowel me from behind, and a police car comes and opens the gate. I run out of the car, grandma jumps out and pounces on me, and then we’re all arrested. A loop (where I redream a part): I ran out of the car, there were no police, and I bolt to the right where there’s a gap in the fence, and find a tree. I can see a police tow truck speeding down and swerve into the field below and hit something that growled (sounded like Mr. Flappyjaw from Amnesia) and I started thinking about Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

I was running from Hunters (HL2 ep2) and some other things, in the parking lot of the Russian mall/concert place from the other dream, but it was in ruins.  I ran into Superwoman? I dunno, it was some superhero lady. Anyway. She caught me and demanded I allow myself to be arrested for killing Catwoman? I then told her what happened: We were in a cargo plane, and there were these people in dark robes or something, and catwoman was there, and they were trying to shove a peeled mango down my pants. I think it was to start the ritual of sacrificing me to Mr. Tall and Faceless. I don’t know. Then they shoved my out the plane and I went into freefall and landed in the lot. Superwoman realized I didn’t kill Catwoman, and so she ran off, and I was left to fend for myself against the Hunters. I had the Spy’s Cloaking device (TF2) and I climbed all the way to the top of this structure that had an elevator shaft, but no elevator.

Thank you, dreams. I will forever be scarred for life :1 Please, no mangos down my pants. It was uncomfortable enough in my dream.

So I made a pointless video due to my complete and utter boredum :1 Damn Movie maker kept freezing over when I was trying to export it. I really need a better video editing software. Plus, GIMP was being a gimp when I was making the gifs :P HUURR cryptic bullshit is the best bullshit there is.

Was in garage earlier, emptying recycling. The word “construct” popped in my head, and the ‘feeling’ of here accompanied it. Whut. Weird. All boredom and no internet makes me a dull teenager. WTH. I've been practically obsessed with the word "internet" for the past few days. WHUT.

Have I ever said how much I hate the wind? I don't mind if it's a light breeze, but hot damn, with the way it's going, I fear for my windows. This is an ancient house after all. Whatever. It's been over 32F for the past few days, along with it being rainy. Which is totally awesome. Can't wait for spring, that's when the rain comes. Have I ever told you how much I love the rain? I love it, a lot. I find it funny how people freak when they get a little wet.


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