Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I realized I forgot to mention this before I pub'd the last post XO D'oh! (too lazy to edit it, not to mention my laptop goes crazy when I try editing DX )

Ok, so, for a while now, I've been feeling this ominous oppressing... force that makes the back of my neck tingle and this little pain roll down my spine. This has been going off and on, some days it's there, some it isn't. Now, I told this and the few recent dreams to my friend Kellie, and we've been trying to figure out what it means. She thinks I'm being haunted by a ghost or something. Similar to what my West Coast parents said. But they got more info. I told them about these childhood memories I've been remembering as of late (which is odd, as I forgot about them for years..freaking insomnia). But they think I might be remembering a past life of mine, or something. But I know for a fact those memories were from this life. I'm certain that it was real. They seemed to not believe me. They said they don't remember it ever happening. But I know it happened.

So here's what it's all about:
This was when I stilled lived in Vegas with my parents before I moved out here to NH. We moved a lot in Vegas, so I'm not entirely sure which house this was in. We had a back room that used to serve as a bar, but was now just a back room, which had the back door to the house. Which I swear on my life was closed and locked. The next parts are a little blurry (being young then and all), but my sister and I went in the back room for whatever reason (prolly to get something out of the freezer chest), and we saw that the door was fucking WIDE OPEN. Not to mention it was night time, so it looked like eternal blackness past the door frame. I can still feel how scared I was. I think my  sister and I armed ourselves with hammers and searched the house for anything. We found ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. At all. How could THAT get passed my parents? I swear my sister told them when they got back home. I swear.   

With the way they brushed it off, pisses me off. It doesn't help that I feel that a VERY important.. something lies within my childhood. Which I remember hardly ANYTHING from. HHHNNNGGGGHHH SO FRUSTRATING.

meh, double posting DX


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