Wednesday, February 16, 2011

*insert witty title here*

So, no dreams to report for last night. I guess they were too unimportant for me to remember. ANYWAY.

Learning some neat things in my Self Defense class. Punching, blocking, parrying, some strikes. We're going to start on lower body strikes (kicks :P ) Next class Friday. So excited :D

So I was walking home with my friend from school like we always do. She slipped (the sidewalks are covered in at least 3 inches of ice, and the roads are just suicide) and fell. Well, while she regained her balance and stood up, I was looking at the houses around us. Mind you, they're really creepy, so I want to make sure no face-hugger is going to come jump at me and implant embryos into my chest when I'm unaware. Don't ask. So I'm looking at the windows, and on the top floor (The attic? a lot of these houses have room attics) of a house in front of us was someone looking at us, it seemed. Pale skin color, about my shade. Bald? I dunno. I have horrible vision, so it could of been anything. Curse me and my imagination. But the thing was, I got this weird feeling that rolled down my spine 'till we passed the house. Not that it helps that a few houses down was the abandoned house that's being torn down :/

Also, I hate being the "psychologist" of my group of friends. I'm pissed at the moment because of it. Fucking worthless drama. Excuse me while I go rage and break something.

Oh, btw, before I forget, anyone seen the new Marble Hornets entry? I saw it in my sub box this morning getting ready for school. I prolly watched it like a thousand times. I don't know why. I'm just drawn to it. Goddamn obsessions. Not to mention, I get a little sad, mainly cause this song/video makes me sad for the masked wonder at the end :P I was singing the song in class today. I think in Math and Spanish. HUURRR.


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