Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I feel like shit. Total. Utter. SHIT. Blegh XC

Short story long, I'm still having my lovely coughing fits (had one in Defense class today :I I kept looking out the windows in paranoia to see if there was something there. Dunno why though. been watching too many horror movies I guess.), and now I'm getting these fan-fucking-tabulous headaches. And to top it all off, I feel like Imma barf my brains out. I really hope it isn't the flu, or some crazy virus. And just a cold. Scratch that. I REALLY hope I'm not coming down with something. And now I'm shivering. Great.

Dear Body:
Why do you hate me so? I can understand you giving me freaky ass dreams and all, but waking me up multiple times per sleep cycle? And these little hallucinations. I mean, seriously. I'm already paranoid enough as is. I don't need to be constantly looking over my shoulder because I keep "seeing" something move around from the corner of my eye, or thinking that the trees I walk by are going to attack me because they look like someone's rushing at me. And all these freaking headaches. You know, Body, it's rather hard to sleep when my head feels like it's being ripped open. :I  I thought we came to a truce, where we were supposed to be nice to one another. But I can understand where this is coming from. I haven't been treating you as greatly as I should as of late. I'm sorry about that. But you know, times are rough these days. Let's work over this. I think it'll be good for the both of us. I don't know how much longer I can stand going on like this.. how I've been for the past month or so. It's very taxing. You should know this best. Well, let's work on this together. You do so much for me already. I feel in debt to you for that. Let's get better. Together. I promise I'll help. Promise.

Kinda reminds me how my mom would (and still does) always ask if I was okay, if I was feeling alright, etc. When I look at it now, I find it strange, to say the least. I mean, I can understand some concern, regarding how I had that intense/important operation when I was little, but that was years ago. The wound has healed. There's no need to keep fretting over me like that still. I have a feeling my mom isn't letting me in on the full story here. I know that something happened in my childhood that makes my mom that protective. Or maybe I'm just over analyzing this. Maybe it's a mom thing. But coming into my room while I'm sleeping to check on me. My goodness. Can't really do that now, seeing as I'm Across the country from her.
AND she keeps calling me. Or her phone keeps calling me. I pick up, she doesn't answer, just this background noise. I don't know. It just feels wrong. I hope things are okay over there.

So. Trees. I remember I've always had this thing for trees since I was little. It's like.. I don't know how to explain it, but whenever I hear the word, or see them.. I just get this feeling. VERY hard to describe. But.. I guess it's like I have this special place in my head/heart/whatever for them. I guess there's something very important about trees. Or maybe it's because the desert lacks them. Especially in many parts of Vegas. Maybe it's in my blood to like trees. Being born in a state practically made of trees. Friggin' NH. HUURR.


Uh, I guess you could say I've been in an.. artistic mood as of late. I keep drawing. But It's of the same thing. Over and over and over anD OVER AND OVER AND OVER. People. I keep drawing PEOPLE. But that's not the weird thing. I keep drawing people with NO EYES and their mouths are stitched up. I'll show you a few examples:

(this one started out being a picture I owed to a friend. Lost a bet and this is how I have to pay :I IDK why I did this to it, but whatever)

Sorry this one's a little blurry. My camera was being a complete ass.

Not exactly a person, but I found it was close enough to put it up.

Had to put this one up. Don't mind the ? face at the upper right corner. 
I thought he was too awesome to crop out xD
..funny, I didn't intentionally draw him looking at Grin-Face. huh.

..this one kind of creeps me out :X Though it'd be kickass if it were digitally colored with some added effects. 

And I keep drawing this symbol.. thing:

I keep drawing it everywhere. Sometimes I don't even realize that I do. What the hell.

MMM, yes. Let's share more personal info in the interwebz :P

Quiero lo ser el fin de semana ahora. Por favor. No quiero me despierto mañana. Bleeghh DX

Yeh. Watch me butcher the Spanish language XD


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