Saturday, February 19, 2011

Deathly Raisins and Bathroom Doors

The raisins! They taste like death!

..not that I know what death tastes like. But I'm being serious here. I dunno if they spoiled or not, but when I eat them... well, my body tells me that it's the taste of death, and I should stop eating them. Cause obviously some shit's going down with these raisins. But I like raisins. HHRRRMMM. So yeah. Back to almonds and cashews, then.

In other news. I was woken up at what.. 3 AM? Somewhere around there. I dunno what it was that woke me up (it was prolly the wind. It was blowing pretty hard, and in my half awake state, I though it was going to break my windows), but I'm happy it wasn't another nightmare. But I was insanely thirsty again. I don't understand D: I guess it's a good thing I keep my water bottle filled at all times :I Though I kept hearing this strange noise. I don't remember what it sounded like exactly, but it was weird.

Then this morning, when I went to go to the bathroom, the door closed itself. Serious. It could've been my stepmom (she had her straightener out, and my little sister touches everything), but I didn't see her. No one was in the bathroom (didn't realize this until half an hour later >.> ). The bathroom door is kinda like the ones on an airplane, like the ones that fold in half, and you can easily tell if someone is behind it or not when it's being closed/opened. No one was there. None of the windows were open (windows stay closed all winter), so that rules out that possibility. But I could of missed my step mom. I walked out of my room and into the hall when the door was closed, so.. I dunno. Felt like sharing that :I

Was snowing a little earlier. I was PISSED. I don't mind snow, but we've already got like, what, OVER 9000 FT OF SNOW ALREADY? Plus yesterday was in the 50's, so this cold weather coming again makes me sad.

...aaaannd I just knocked over my tin of tacks. Time to go pick 'em up :P


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