Monday, February 21, 2011

Dream Time :D and share creepy music time

Ok, so, I had three two dreams last night. Well, more like nightmares but.. Well, they didn't feel like a dream, nor a nightmare. But I know they were in my head. And they both woke me up. HHNNGG. Now, I can't remember, for the life of me, which came first. But They had a consistent theme to them. Trees, man. Crazy.

I was in the woods/forest with my step dad and little brother. It was the "alive" kind of woods/forest. Like it was all green and foresty and alive. Catch my drift? I hope so. Anyway. My step dad was trying to teach my brother (and I?) something, and I was playing in a pond/small body of water. Which was pretty deep. The rocks/gravel/whatever that was the ground were dark colored, not black, but certainly a range of dark shades that were close to black. There was something about a log partially blocking a path. I don't know. ANYWAY. My step dad had this piece of paper that had info on it or something, and he set it down while kneeling next to it. So did my brother (and I after I was done playing around). The woods/forest had somehow shifted or something because it was now partially my room. Sorta. VERY hard to explain. Then My desk chair appeared by the paper, and this HUGE ASS MOFO SPIDER appears on my chair. When I say huge, I mean it. It was larger than my hand outstretched. Now, this spider had.. 6 legs? and it was pale, like a skin color, but pale and semi-translucent. I remember screaming or something. My step dad noticed it, and he screamed, and guess what he did? Flicked it at me. So I panicked and got out of the way, and the bugger skimpered off into my closet. Which now, I'll admit, I'm afraid to go into :X

This is where I woke up. I thought there were spiders on my foot. Of course, like all the other times I've been waking up at -834893478q34 AM, my room was extremely warm (though it was like 2'F outside :P ) and I was really thirsty. BAWW.

I was in the woods. SURPRISE SURPRISE. But this was different. All the trees were dead. The sky was extremely dark. I mean like pitchblackOMGICANTSEEMYSELF kind of dark. But the weird thing was, was that the lighting in the woods was like it was day time. HURM. If I remember correctly, I was on this set path, which I believe it was grey. I think. So there I was, in the creepy woods, walking. I had said  "I feel like I'm being watched". Which makes me believe I was with someone. With all certainty, I really felt like I was being watched. And this isn't in-dream. I'm talking about my (sub?)consciousness could feel something watching me. Then.. I WAKE UP. Still feeling like I'm being watched. But it went away fairly quickly. Room was warm again :P Still thirsty as hell.

Now that I mention it, I have been guzzling down an abnormal amount of water for the past few weeks. huh.

So my step mom is sick. I've had this damn cough for a while now. Still wont do away. thankfully it isn't a OMGICOUGHEDMAHBRAINZZOUT kind of cough.

HHNNGG. My laptop has been acting up as of late. REALLY SLOW. Rage. Gotta wrap this up before it I explode.


PS I feel like I'm missing something I wanted to write down. FFFFFF

EDIT: I remember what I forgot (albeit, while trying to get to sleep >.>  )

Ok, so, When I woke up the second time, and was half awake (or less) in my bed, I felt as if there were two of me there, like one from when I first woke up, and then yanno me me. It's.. kinda hard to explain. But it was like I was in two different locations (in my bed, but on diff, sides of the bed) at once. WHUT.

Note to self: If I ever want to remember something, curl up in bed and pretend to try to get to sleep. Prolly will remember what I forgot :P My bed has magical remembrance powers :O

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