Friday, February 18, 2011

Of Water and Weapons

Dream. Don't remember much of it. End of the world? I was trying to hide from the masses. They were looking for something. Got cornered, fled and hid in a small crawlspace. Two guys can to torch the building I was in. A little blurry, I think they spared me, and I was following them. Something about a year stands out. Time skip, I was in a place where multiple beings from multiple dimensions/universes flocked to. There were some who were "gifted" and "found" these special weapons. I was "gifted" with a semi short sword, about 2 ft long, curved like a letter "c". I was also "gifted" with a dagger and a short sword. I couldn't, for the life of me, find their sheaths.

When I woke up, I was on my left side. I think I was at the perfect angle, cause I could hear.. running water? I know it wasn't raining this morning, and the shower doesn't made that sound. Or the toilet or sinks. Huh. When I rolled on my other side, I couldn't hear it anymore.

TGIF. I did NOT want to wake up this morning. HHNNNGGG. Stupid lack of sleep. On the bright side, I have Self Defense today :D I love that class


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