Monday, February 14, 2011

Artificial Sanctuary [Dream Log part 2]

Well, first and foremost, Happy Single Awareness Day :D

...or aka Valentines Day.. wooo. :/

Anyway. I'm all hyper. Why? I'm eating these huge ass Reece's cups :D So anyway. There's this really ominous presence I've been feeling as of late. Combined with the feeling of being watched. Creepy, huh? Well, There's this house being torn down near my street, and <censored> think's that it might be the spirit say "FUCK NO" and bein all angry. Maybe.

Looks creepy :/

ANYWAY. Time to continue with catching up with the dream log :P Hopefully, I can get all these done now, and move on. I'm going to sum up the longer ones. No way in hell Imma be able to rewrite all that.




I was running around in a house trying to escape something. There were these shadows on the walls, and at one point, I was "possessed" by it atop a staircase. I managed to fall down the stairs, and had my face squished against the window that was at the bottom of the stairs. I tried opening it, but I had little bodily control. Eventually, the window was opened by something and I just kind of hung out of it. I was twitching all over, almost like a seizure. Some people spotted me and came over, and they though I was dead, but one of them knew I was alive.

First part was me and some people I knew were buying some food for some sort of airplane trip or apocalypse or... something.

Second part, it was nothing short of a zombie apocalypse. I remember being in the desert and seeing this massive and huge rocket that was supposed shoot as many people into space as possible to escape the zombies, but it never went off.

Somehow I ended up in a cubicle like thing outside, defending myself with turrets that looked like fans, a bazooka and shotgun that looked like it came out of F.E.A.R. The zombies were like the infected from L4D1, and a Hunter jumped over my sentries/turrets, and I shot it with my shotgun. Another Hunter did that later, but I was too slow and ended getting pinned to the ground. That's when I woke up.


Something about huge ass cupcakes, my brother, and not being able to pay my bill that kept changing in numerical value. Another, more memorable part, was when I was helping defend a town or fortress, my fellow guards disappeared when I looked away. I went into the town looking for them, anyone, as it seemed everyone had disappeared. EVERYONE. So I went to what served as the town hall as well as the mall, but found no one, except a tall man in all black. Then I woke up.


(NOTE: This entry is very brief, and lacks detail. I guess I just didn't feeling like writing it all down)
I was in a world where people had alter-forms that allow you to turn into these beasts. Not everyone could do it though. I went to train under this infamous trainer, who was already training others at the time. The other trainees disliked me, and constantly tried to get me in trouble, causing me harm in some cases. [eventually, few of them turned evil and tried to kill the master]

All in all, I was being stalked by this creepy guy. Very ominous. Something about trains, tunnels, and dark, confusing mazes.

Another zombie apocalypse dream. Me, my Elder sister, and some others were survivors, I drempt that my sister killed herself and left a note for me. I remember I cried.

Trapped somewhere. House like. In a blue/green haze.

Moved to a house with my brother. We had a garage on the lower level and a huge backyard. It was right next to a hospital. Many crates in garage.

We had guests on night. While they were mingling on the first and second floors, I was down in the basement/garage. There was a helicopter next to the garage opening outside. My brother came down with two other people. I knew one had a gun. I didn't say anything though.

 The shutter on the garage was 2/3 down. Guy with gun asked my to return the helicopter to the hospital. Said I could. I (in 3rd person) saw the look my brother gave my dreamself. Said dreamself never saw it. Flew the helicopter over to the hospital, but it wasn't theirs so I flew back to my house. When I got out, it was deathly quiet. No guests. I looked in the garage.

The shutter was halfway closed now. In there, I saw my brother and the other guy lay dead on the ground, surrounded by their blood. I think I cried.

Selling the house. After, all was hazy. Assembled a revolver, girl took it, I chased her, she had something in her hand besides revolver. Tackled her. Thing fell from her hand. Never found what it was. Took revolver, handcuffed her. Transition to being in the woods with sister and couple other guys. We were traveling to a place where there was safety (zombie apocalypse), group got larger. One point, I was ambushed, and bitten by a zombie. Killed a guy. He tried to infect us all. I only let me and my sister and the two other dudes continue on. Left the other people.



Drempt of smoking.

Dreamed I killed myself.
(NOTE: Says here that I felt that I was visited by something that night. No real evidence, but something just told me that I was "visited". Ever since I came back from X-mas vaca in Vegas, been waking up at 1/2 AM, the room all hot/stuffy/sweaty. Though the heater's been turned down and it's been hella cold. )

Don't remember the details, but I'm in my room tn a house that's very much like the one I'm in now, except there's a wooded area in front of the house. My blinds are pulled up a little bit, so I can see outside. It's all snowy like it should be. At the tree line, He stands there, looking directly at me (though he has no face). I try and make it so he can't see me, I can't see him. Doesn't really work. (seems dream logic dictated I can't pull my blinds down :P )

Whenever someone walked down the street, he does a sweeping "after you" motion with his.. arms, and proceeds to chase whomever it is. I woke up.

Legit, I saw this masked girl in my room (her mask is all white, like a blank slate. No eye/mouth/nose holes). She stared at me. There were other featureless, white masks like hers all along my walls, making them look black. But they seemed like they were connected to bodies. Blinked. They vanished. [here I blame the internetz for this dream]

--while snowmobiling that day, at night mind you, something touched my shoulder. and it wasn't a tree branch.


Nightmare this morning. Didn't get to sleep till around 2. Dreampt about something, one part I was with Alex in a train yard, where all the trains were derailed. In a zig zag pattern if I remember correctly. We were either looking for something (I remember looking under a cart or something) or running from something, albeit in a walking pace with no crazy emotions. Another part, the part I woke up from, I was in the mall with Kelie. I was sctratching her head or something for her, and when I stopped, she said something like "I don't care what other people say". something else was said, but I don't remember what. Now, here's what woke me up: in all of the mall place, the lights went out with this very ominous sound. I remember seeing an outline of kellie's face. It was so scary. It was like it really wasn't her, and just something who was using her skin. I woke up, scared, heart pounding, and for some reason, on the verge of tears.


ok. so I got them all down. For some reason, I don't have any recorded for this month yet. Strike that. Never mind. So now that that's done and over with, we can move on :D

...buuut not right now, 'cause I have homework to do :P


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