Thursday, March 3, 2011

Alright. Let's get down to business.

So, yesterday, I hung out with my friend John. At first, I didn't want to go. Usually it's how I respond, but I just needed to get out of the house. It was starting to get claustrophobic, and there was something that was setting off my nerves. Glad I went, though. Twas fun. Here's a weird thing that happened: When I was walking to where we were going to meet up, it was nice, warm, sunny, totally not wintery weather. The moment we met up, I kid you not, the temperature dropped at least 5 degrees, and got windy. John agrees with this. He said (when we were up by Borders and Gamestop) when he was walking ('scuse me, running) it was warm and stuff, then got cold :X Hot damn. ANYWAY. We first walked up to Gamestop. John wanted to preorder Pokémanz Black version (idk. I'm not into that, so i dunno). The cashier was so funny.

It went like this:

J: "Yeah, um, I'd like to preorder Pokémon Black."
C: "Are you sure you don't want to preorder.."
She turns around and grabs a case
C: "Pokémon Whack?"
It was the Black and White case covering thing.. cut in half and stuck to gather so both black and white versions were shown, and it said Whack ("wh" from white, "" ack" from black). We lol'd. hard. XD

Then, it started snowing.

After, we went to Borders. John got some Deathnote book thing.. (How to Read, I think it was called), which I had to help pay for. He was 5$ short. And being the nice friend I am, I helped him out. I got House of Leaves and some graphology book. HoF mainly since everyone is talking about it (in slender related places) and that I like horror. I read a few pages, but it was late at night, so I was too tired to focus (that, and MH entry 36 came out last night. Oh Jay, you amuse me so. ). Plus, I had started reading the graphology book. It's been something that I've been wanting to look into since I read a book my sister lent me. Can't for the life of me remember what it's called. I'll have to ask her when she comes out in a few weeks.

I feel bad for my sister. She shouldn't have to go through all that bullshit.

After Borders (and two police cars pulled up next to us when we were walking in the parking lot DX ) we went to Staples, where I got these cool sticky note/memo pads that go in a spiral. Then we went back downtown and went to CVS and Joann's (an arts and crafts store). There, I got some rubber cement and chenill stems (laymans terms: pipe cleaners). Quite awesome. And me being me, I brought my camara, which was a good thing. Got some kickass pics. Beware yourself for a clusterfuck of photos :p

Parking lot over by Borders. 

First outside-my-room Panoramic picture. I like this one. 

John told me "Quick! Take a picture of the sky before the clouds come back!"
This is also near where the police cars stopped by us.

Shot of this "alley" thing next to this old parking garage that recently reopened. 
I hate going on it.

Panoramic of part of the garage and part of the local museum.
This one's pretty cool.

 In Eagle Square by the Fountain. I'll have to take some pictures of it when the snow melts and they turn it back on. It's my favorite place to chill when there isn't a shit ton of snow.

Clock tower.. thing. Outside Eagle Square and across the street form the Capitol Building.

These two are part of the gate thing that leads to Eagle Square. It's actually in shape of a tree.
someday I'll get a shot from the front. It has a little gnome on it xD

These two shot near the church that's not too far from my house. The sun was setting. Couldn't miss up this chance like I did when I was still downtown.

MMM. yes. So, yesterday, I decided to update my FB profile pic. Cuz I haven't changed it in god knows how long. So, wanting to be different from everyone else doing a "oh hai look at me I perdy", I went a little.. creative. Kind of hard to see.

 One of my friends said it's creepy. I kinda agree xD

The other day (and up to this point to), I kept seeing something move behind me, from the reflection off my laptop screen. But the thing is, where I keep seeing movement, is where my closet door is and where my shelf thing is :/ WAT. And I keep seeing things in my peripherals. Something dark and moving. It might be because I'm still sickish, or maybe from a lack of sleep or something, but it's starting to freak me out. Just a little. Like right now, I saw something. And to make matters worse, the tacks on my walls look like they're squirming around like big black maggots. But they aren't. Nor do I have any black tacks. Fucking eyes. I hate you so.

Then, the other night, when I know for certain my parental units are in their room, I went to use the bathroom. Either the kitchen or dining room light was on, cause it wasn't pitch black, and I saw some white pale thing in my freaking bathroom door way, stock still, by the light switch. I nearly shat myself. It ended up being my stepmom, who thought I was my little sister getting out of bed. BUT STILL. I nearly had a fucking HEART ATTACK D': Goddamn.

Lately I've been sleeping with my hat on. I really don't know why. The other night, it was like something told me to put it on :p Then I really wanted to go outside and go for a walk or something like that. Regardless that it was midnight, and that I really needed to get to sleep. I guess that could tie in with me feeling very childish as of late. WEIRD.

..I keep feeling as if I'm forgetting something. Just watch. I'll post this, and I'll go "D'oh! I knew I forgot something!" then proceed to either edit this post or open up notepad and write down what I forgot :1 Yep.


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