Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Excuse me while I go crawl in a corner (and rant on a bajillion of topics for no reason but to bother you)

...and pretend that the world is a better place. Excuse me while I go drown my sorrows in Monsters.

So I guess money is worth more than a life. Not just a human life. ANY kind of living being. Huh. I knew I wasn't worth much, but damn. Well, there's the world for you. Who cares if we can't afford to live, right? I mean, why would the fat cats care if the mice are starving?  hahahahaha listen to me rambling on about stuff i dont know much about because i live under a rock and hardly ever watch tv or do things that any "normal" person would. i mean, what do i know? im just your average stupid american teenager who will account for nothing in life because we are stupid, right? thats what people tell me, anywho. 

I hope and pray for the best for Japan. pleasepleaseplease don't meltdown, reactors. PLEASE. No one wants to have another Chernobyl. Especially if it's Japan we're talking about. I mean, them Japanese are like, so cool. And smart. yeh. Sending my prayers and best regards. I have a feeling somethings going to go down this week. I just hope it's just stress speaking and not my gut.

In other, semi depressing news: my friend was in a car accident with his mom Friday night. His mom was killed. He's severely injured (12 broken bones: both feet, both femur bones and his right arm). I visited him Sunday night. Not bad, but not good condition. He's up and conscious, has eaten, and has full recollection of what happened. Poor kid. Best regards and prayers to him to. It seems the world is mean this month. (and I don't blame the world one bit)

So, my friends being, well, them, have told me something interesting. A possible WW3. What. Please, no. We're already in the shitter. Why more war? This all just feels like a horribly infected wound that has that stingy feeling that makes you feel greasy, crusty, and like shit. Guh.

Thank you parents, for bringing me into a world (more like country) that hates us all. Yes. I'm complaining. I'm moaning and groaning about my problems while others have it way worse than I. Yep. Totally true. Thank you headache for brightening my day.

I can tell I'm going to have a hard night sleeping. Last time I was loaded with caffeine and took sleeping pills, I had horrible nightmares and kept waking up. Well, lets see how I fare with 260 mL of Monster in my system. Oh jeez. Well, I'm going to have to sleep sometime. DERP.

I had this post (not this one) I was writing in all planned out to release on Saturday, but things got in the way. I'll post it up eventually. Maybe. Yes. Maybe.

aargrergksfhkjsghhjsg jsghfjsfgimsotiredbutistillhaveenglishhomeworktofinishaahhhhitssohardtypinglikethisihavetofighttheimpulsetopressthespacebarhhnnnggngngjedghkfhkjhfaskjgasjgasjhfgsjdg


p.s.  BOOKS. ARE. delicious.

Just remembered. I'm officially an idiot. Ok, story time :D

So I was in my last class of the day, and we're taking notes on the Cold War and all that jazz, and the teacher (who is so cool in her own right) tells this kid (who's really quiet, but he's really smart and whatnot) that she's going to get him a hair clip thingy so we can see his face (his hair covers like, half his face) so she the teacher knows if he's sleeping or not (cause it looks like he is sleeping half the time), and he tells her that he's like a dolphin and sleeps with half a hemisphere. I kinda got what he said (I know the hemisphere he speaks of is half the brain). And then he's all "Oh yeah, I forgot I was surrounded by idiots." Not very nice, mind you. i wish I had my mp3 recording at the time. Then I could get a transcript. :P

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