Saturday, March 12, 2011

Nightmares galore

Guess what I had last night? Two fucking nightmares, that's what. >:1 I'm not amused. They both woke me up.

This one, if I remember correctly, was based off of the everymanHYBRID cast. Ok, so I was with Vinnie, Jeff and Evan, and we were in someones house. I don't know who it belonged to, but I remember it being dark. We did something in the main area of the house (something about stairs), but what was more important happened in a bedroom. Nothing X-rated. I was in a swivel chair at a desk, Vinnie was next to me on another chair, and Jeff was on the bed. Evan was MIA at this point. I think I might of had a video camara with me. So at this point, the room was semi dark, everything was in a kind of grey scale, and we heard something under the bed. Well, lo and behold, Evan was under there, but he was growling like some feral animal, and he crawled out from under the bed, and was twitching everywhere. He came out little more than halfway, grabbed Jeff's feet/ankles, and dragged him under the bed. He (jeff) was clawing at the ground while he was being pulled. Kinda looked like the cover of Quarantine. I think Vin went either MIA or was dragged down with Jeff, cause next thing I know, he's not there, and I see an arm/torso kinda sticking out from the bed, tangled in blankets (that are still one with the bed). I had already identified it as Evan (however that was possible), and I tried to pull him out via me pulling on his arm. He started twitching like before, and did the crawling thing to get out from under the bed. He got out all the way and kind of just idled for a few seconds, then looked at me, and his head started to "bobble". Hard to explain. But I had seen that his eyes and mouth had been, well, I don't really know what to call it, but it was like the skin was melted/welded together. So he pretty much had no eyes and no mouth anymore, just a vicious and creepy ass scar.

And I woke up. It was like.. 2:30 in the morning. Kind of creeped out partly because the image of Evan was still fresh in my mind, and partly because every time I wake from a nightmare, I think there's something in my room that shouldn't be there.

anyway. Onto the next one!

 I was in Vegas with my friend Amelia. And since I used to live in Vegas, I offered to show Amelia around a little bit. I believe we were down at the Strip (or something equivalent to that), looking at all the shops (that, for some reason, replaced all the casinos). Amelia found a bakery like place, and wanted something. I turned around for not even a minute to look at something, and BAM, Amelia was gone. Just like that. And I promised to her dad that I'd make sure she was safe. Hard to do when you don't know where she is, in the middle of Vegas. VEGAS. SIN CITY! I was sure that I was going to get murdered viciously. So I went on a crazy look about for Amelia ALL OVER the place. I even left the Strip a few times to see if she left or not. I couldn't find her anywhere. Then, I hear my sister has gone missing. So I balance out looking for Amelia with looking for my sister (who is an adult already). At some point, I found this.. piece of jewelry or something in a plastic package, like it was just bought. It reminded me of my sister (and it was apparently hers). So more searching, and I had found this.. huge block of ice, and I heard screaming and growls coming from it, as well as a horrible feeling from it. There was a hole in the side, and lo and behold, my sister was in it. A tearful reunion ensued, and when I showed her the packaged thing, she freaked and told me to NEVER open it. Fun. So I still had Amelia to find. I went back to the shop she was last seen, and there she was. Looking right at me. So I had gone up to her and practically screamed at her "Where the hell were you?! Where did you go?!". Stuff like that. She never answered me though.

I think I woke up at 5 this time. I dunno.

Thank you nightmares. I will forever now be afraid to look under my bed. >:I

In other news, I'm to hang with mt friend Haley today. After kidsitting though. I can't wait to move out.


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