Sunday, March 27, 2011

DREAM OF people doing stuff :P

If I remember correctly, I started out in this warehouse like place, and there was a lot machinery/large pipes/all this creepy shit that I swear Ive seen before (either in a dream or in RL). I'm with these other people, and we are looking for something/being chased by something. Not sure what. Something happens (and thinking about it now, I'm getting scared. I guess it was a monster?) and I wake up on the side of the road.

It's all cloudy out and looks like it's going to rain. I try to run to the nearest gas station/convenience, but never get there. This transitions to this dojo like place (idk how to describe it. It's like a mini city/village, but all one main building?), and in this place, these people take others in who I'm guessing have no where to go and teach them some sort of self defense (but using something like magic, but not quit. soul power? hell if I can remember). It (the teachings) were a mixture of physical and mental fighting, and I remember if it wasn't using a body part to attack, you used handsigns and whatever happened.

So I was brought there, or something, and I'm being taught with others how to do this stuff, and when I'm not being taught, I'm around helping people do things (as I was typing this line, memory flashed in my mind of a woman. I get mixed feelings from her.) that they need to do.

At one point, while me and a few other 'students' were practicing with each other in the outside courtyard, some guy came and attacked them all (I'm not quite sure if this is how it happened. big blank on details), but I know that eventually all but me and the all powerful guy (who now I'm sure was wanted dead or alive at this point) were the only ones outside, as the others either were stuck inside only to helplessly watch me and my novice-ness get my ass handed to me, or they left me out there to fend for myself.

This fight itself I don't really remember much details of, but I do know that I could jump high, dodge, run fast, all that stuff. I had thrown some punches at him, and tried summoning something, but panics because I just couldn't (he casted something to make me forget?) At one point, the guy pins me down. Stomach first on the ground, he had my arms pinned to my back, and he was holding my head to the ground with his other hand. He had forced my head to look towards the windows where I could see my peers watching, and for a second looked like they were dying/screaming, but they were just banging on the windows. Which wouldn't break. It got very quiet, and the guy teleported away from me. I got up, and the guy said to me something about how quite it was (Hear how quiet it is?). I had looked aroud, and everything had gotten blurry. Next thing I know, I had defeated the guy, and everyone was congratulating me, and one point I told someone that "I didn't do anything" (referring to me beating the guy). I dunno.

After, I had climbed one of the giant trees and hung up there, listening/watching people go by, and I saw the council elders, and I heard them talk about me. I can't remember what they were saying, but I know it wasn't good for me.

I dunno why, but the whole day, when thinking about this dream, I've gotten emotional over it, like there's a big connection to it, and I feel like there's somethng big/important that I'm missing about it. It (the dream) feels all too familiar to me. :P


EDIT: I wonder why all that originally came out as something equivalent to subscript. 

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