Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You know that rubber cement I said I bought a gazillion posts ago? Well, I fished it out from under the junk on my desk, and now I want to use it and stick things together. Did I mention it's flammable? That's something I'm going to have to check out.
In other news, I think there might be others in this town that know of Mr Tall and Faceless. Why? Well, last Friday, I think it was (sometime last week), I was walking downtown with my friend, and we saw quite a bunch of Operator symbols drawn in chalk on the ground, in strange places (ie. Front of an alley, the curb of an intersection, in the middle of the sidewalk, etc.). I know it was in chalk, cause the snow has been melting and when I went downtown Saturday, all the symbols were gone. Hurray? IDK. Doesn't bother me all that much, I suppose. Kind of reminds me of the time when I was (rather excitedly) telling my friend about Entry #35 when it came out, when she was getting breakfast at school, and one kid behind us gave me a knowing look/smirk/whatever (I knew because I wasn't facing forward, kind of turned around but not). Sooo yeah. Thank you for only existing in my head :D

So, I've been getting headaches a lot as of late. Like, a lot. At least I'm not coughing as much. I still cough here and there. More like a "HO SHIT THE AIR MAKES MY LUNGS iTCHY!!" cough rather than a "ÄHSDKFHS IKFHSK SHF Ñ Ö:L:EFO:EF SR":GPDR F"GP:DF kfd jsglkfhj skjfhjd GAAHHHHH MY INTERNAL ORGANS THAT DO STUUUFFFF!!!!!".  Kellie has been getting them, too. Harrible.


Had a weird dream last night. Something about being chased by a pissed of ex-con bus driver in the dark, my siblings being tortured and killed because they were gypsies (by Frollo from HoND, no less) in front of me, and last but not least, something about me being an accomplice to a thief/or something who went by the name of "X". All these weird things taking place in dark places. Brain, I applaud you for your "originality", but sometimes you just go too far.

I don't really have much else to say, 'cept that these pretzels I'm eating are kickass, and that I want some pickles. xD random. I'll prolly edit in something later when I have something to say. DERp.


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