Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'm in an extremely happy mood right now. Why? I haven't the slightest idea.

Let me recap the past few days:

Friday night, my Marble Hornets DVD finally came. Yay! So what did I do? I watched both disks all the way through.

Saturday, I had to go get new clothes. Have I ever said how much I hate a lot of the people in my age group?

Sunday, went to Vermont with family (huge family outing, though I'm not related to any of them). Happy Easter btw. Whatever it celebrates anyway (rants about how meaningless Holidays are becoming these days)

Sunday Night/Monday Morning, had a very weird dream/nightmare. I was in a city in a car with my step mom. We crashed by a hospital/science building, and she left me. When I came to, the place was under quarantine (there was some crazy smoke stuff going on through the windows), and the place was near deserted. I saw a guy run past and I opened the car door to ask him what was going on. He said the place was under quarantine, and that if we didn't get out of there/hide, we were going to get caught. So I ran with him, and he went to a building and opened a vent grate and got in. As I was getting in, I heard shouts. I got very fearful here, and when I got in the vent (it was vertical, and it seemed like an endless drop) I woke up. And my back (along my spine) felt weird. Like a weird tingling hot and cold at the same time feeling. And in my minds eye, I imagined a RIG on my back, flashing red :P When I went back to sleep, I was back in that city, but running from Agents (of what, idk), and hid in a building. I escaped, then somehow liberated the city from... something evil I guess. Haven't a clue.

Monday, I started and finished my ref sheet for a tournament I'm in on DA. Not very happy with it, but it's WAY better than the ref I made a couple years ago for a different tourney that I didn't get in. whatever.

So today, as mentioned before, I'm am in a ridiculously good mood. Last time that happened, my whole day went down the shitter :P ah well. We'll see.

Excuse me for a moment.


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