Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another Nightmare last night - and some ramblings

This is getting a little redundant. I mean, seriously now. These nightmares are starting to bug me, especially since they tend to wake me up at some horrible hour in the morning in a coughing fit. Not amusing.

I'm unsure how exactly it went.

It started with me and a couple others, in a seemingly abandoned community or something of the sort. We had been in... an apartment, squatting/taking refuge/whatever for an indiscernible amount of time. We were.. running from something in the apartment complex. It was dark everywhere, so it was hard to see where we were going. We had been separated or something (and I think there was something about a test...?) and I was running down through a hallway that had many turns, and the doors, previously closed, began to open behind me, and when I would look back, Tall and Faceless would be in that room, watching me. At some point, I found a door that was  opened (and inside was dark) and I 'hid' in it. This part is confusing. It was like a game where you can pause it, but my head felt like it was buzzing with energy and I couldn't concentrate (hard to describe) or focus, and the next thing I knew, the hallway light or the room light was on (it was very illuminated where I was) and SM was standing not even and inch away from me. Scary bro.

Transition to me running into an alley in between a few large brick buildings, still dark outside. And I was being chased by these people (who later I dubbed as Proxies) who had these glowing eyes (I think they were green). I remember getting into one of the buildings, then nothing.

Transition to a big house, three levels if I remember correctly(I was on the top level). It was bright and warm and cozy and this lady who owned it turned out to be an angel (or something of the sort). She allowed me to stay at the place. Then this dude had come up to her and asked for the floor plans of the house. She told him to look to the balcony or something (well, when I think about it, she gave directions like she was pointing to some object on a shelf).

 The guy went over to the balcony and I followed him, and there was a woman on the ground looking up at the guy. I saw through his vision (clairvoyance hurr) just a normal person, but when I switched back to my vision, I saw not a woman, but an angel, with golden wings. And the angel looked to her right, and there stood another angel, but with grey/silver wings. The guy couldn't see it (clairvoyance) but I could. Sliver wings had a knife, and she started to cut off her left wing. With each cry of pain, Gold wings started crying/screaming for silver wings to stop.

I walked further into the balcony, and found other angels, and I told them that I knew what they were and I could see their wings. One of them gave me a nasty look. Some point mt glasses were knocked off and fell down between the wooden floor boards to the bottom level (by the basement)below..

Next thing I know I'm in the bottom level of the house (outside), on a search for my glasses. But it was dark, and again, I was being chased by the Proxies. I ran into the house through a sliding glass door, and the House Lady was there, with the angels, and they were casting a spell to keep the Proxies out. They said I had to help (make a chant to power he spell), and I had said something/emphasized Friday in the month of February, and Man and Woman. I have no clue. Then the Lady was teaching us how to fight against some powerful being, and I had said that I already took a self defense class. I think the Proxies broke in at this point, and I woke up having a coughing fit.

When I did wake up, my room was very warm. Good thing I have water with me at all times.

In other news, I won a huge basket of Japanese candy. Reason: A week or so ago, the Japanese Culture Club at my school was holding a raffle at lunch, which was pretty much donating money to help support Japan and whatnot by buying raffle tickets (the money went to the Red Cross which went to aiding Japan), and since I know most of the people in the club (and I wanted to help), I bought a few tickets. Today, on the announcements, they drew out a ticket, and lo and behold: <Insert my name here> wins. What a surprise. I mean, really. I NEVER win anything. Like in German class a few years back, we had a raffle drawing (we got tickets when we did good; I got a bunch) but I never got anything. ifhjg lsighkj sdkh oh well.  There's enogh sugar in my room now to kill several small animals :D

Well, that's all for now. I have an essay for English I have to type up (jdsh jgjhdf sfsd ). At least spring break is next week.


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