Tuesday, April 5, 2011

According to my dreams, a creepy, non visible faced humanoid owns me.

I just want to go home.

But where is home? Here? Back in Vegas? HAH! You have no nowhere to go! There is nowhere that you can go to escape what's happening, you know that! Your nightmares and personal demons are just going to following you till the day you DIE! Whether you accept that or not.


Alright. I said I'd post that dream from last week [and none from this week, mainly cause I can't remember any of my dreams].

 Started with me going to my friend John's house. It was bright and sunny, like, really bright. There, we hung out and waited for one of his other friends to come over [who I'll call D]. D eventually came over, then we all drove to this convention thing, where I bought something, but I had to come back the next day to pick it up. After, D dropped us off at John's house, and then drove off. I had to text my mom that I needed a ride home [though in my dream I was living with my step mom]. The scenery changed or something, but not by much. It was still Johns house, but the layout had changed, and John disappeared. I walked into the living room, and there my mother was, on the floor, in one of those makeshift beds made of blankets and such. She was just laying there, staring at me. Her eyes were empty.

 And crouched behind her, was this.. thing. I wouldn't want to call it a man; in my dream, I just knew he wasn't human, he just looked it. I don't think I ever really saw his face. It was pale? I don't know. It was blurred over. The rest of this.. Man was dark, black even. And sharp, as in, he had sharp angles on his body instead of smooth round curves of a human. Like he was an imposter. He looked right at me, and grinned. And he told me: "She belongs to Me. And soon, you'll belong to me, too".

There was some sort of transition here, I don't really remember the details, but I know I ended up in a different house. This one was not as bright, and it was in a slight blue-ish haze. There was a main living room, with two doors branching off on the left wall. From where I was standing, the Door to outside was behind me, and there was a window I couldn't see out of across the room. There was a dresser on the right wall that had my clothes in the top drawer.

If I remember correctly, the first door on the left was open, which showed it led to the master bedroom, which came with a bathroom. On the bed was Brian [an asshole who's now in a mental hospital for reasons you need not to know], and he was on his side, staring at me in the same manner that my mother did, his eyes empty as well. Behind him, was the Man, who was looking at me, again, but this time his face was much darker, nearly corresponding with the same color as his body [but I think it had a slight reddish tint to it now]. And again, he grinned, and told me: "He belongs to me, and now, YOU belong to me".

I was now back in the main room, kneeling by the dresser, the top shelf open. I was looking through the shirts, and the Man was by the door, with Brian [whose features had darkened and had become blurry]. The Man wanted the three of us to out to somewhere, but I don't know where. He had already opened the door, which I may add, outside looked like it was all white, and Brian walked through it and totally dissapeared a few feet out.

I wanted to change my shirt, but the Man said I couldn't. So, while 'sneakily' grabbing a shirt [it's black and white striped,one of my favorites], I asked the Man if I could go to the bathroom [remember? he apparently owns me now], and he said yes. I asked him which bathroom I could use, his, or the other one [which is where the second door leads to], and he told me to use the other one.

So I went into the other bathroom [which was blue/green tinted, and had a very large, stained glass window], and the Man appeared in front of me, and took the shirt I had out of my hands. He examined it, grinned at me, then gave it back, and told me to put it on, then left.

I do believe this is where I woke up.

Another note: I've been sick all week. It's horrible. I just recently got the sense of taste back, and my ears decided they'd pop for me. I have a minor runny nose, and I can breathe through it now. But this damned cough will not go away. It's rather annoying.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some Spanish and Math to finish up for tomorrow :I


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